Infobest will participate on Mobile World Congress 2016 in Barcelona

Once again, Infobest is making the journey to Mobile World Congress (MWC), the world’s leading [...]

The Benefits of Test Driven Development

We live in a world that is moving rapidly. Businesses are constantly changing – and [...]

Infobest has launched the German Version of StylishCircle at FashionTech in Berlin

The Berlin Fashion Week and its associated FashionTech showcase are the biggest annual fashion event [...]

Code coverage: How deep should unit test coverage be?

It is well known that a program with high code coverage has been more thoroughly [...]

Custom applications – the best solution for your business

Every business has different needs, and it is very difficult for one single software product [...]

6 Ways in Which The Internet of Things Can Impact Your Business

IoT is not just a theory that people talk about on tech forums anymore. IoT [...]


5 Reasons Why Your Company Might Need a Mobile App in 2016

People like you and I are becoming more and more mobile-oriented, which makes companies question [...]


Infobest at GPEC 2015

Infobest attended the biggest e-commerce conference in Romania. Here are the highlights of the event. [...]

The StylishCircle Mobile App – Live on Google Play.

StylishCircle just launched its first mobile app, on Google Play. The users of the StylishCircle [...]

Infobest – 15 Years in Romania

Infobest is excited to have reached its 15th anniversary, in Romania. Over the years we [...]